Friday, July 15, 2016

Three Fat Burning Diet Tips That Work in 1 Week

Let me start that anything is possible and can happen in one week's time. Whether your goal is to lose 5 or 10 pounds in 1 week, and you're desperately looking for last minute weight loss strategies that works ... 7 days is a lot of time.

Fat Burning Diet

If you start now.

1. Get In a Cleansing Fast - start off your one week fat burning diet with more water and less food intake for you. If your body can take it, try fasting for two days with only water and fresh juices as your sources of energy. Your body needs to get rid of all of that unnecessary fat and toxic build-up in your system, and one of the best ways to flush this out is through a cleansing fast.

Stay away from any meat or flesh proteins, and carbohydrates such as bread and rice. This is only temporary, but after one week, you will notice positive changes and you may altogether lessen your intake of such foods. But make sure your body can handle it.

2. Exercise, But in Moderation - hit the gym if you want to, or go for an easy jog around your community. If you have a bike that you haven't used for quite a long time, now's the time to clean all the rust and start burning some fat! But remember, the key here is moderation. You are coming from a cleansing fast, and while your body is getting rid of excess fat and toxins, it does not have much carbohydrates and protein to allow you to have a tremendous workout. Be sure that these first two tips complement each other.

3. Eat High Water Content Fruits and Vegetables - for the last remaining days of your one week fat burning diet, stick on a basic fresh fruit and vegetable diet. These kinds of foods have a high water content which not only helps flush toxins out of your body, and encourages last minuet weight loss if done the right way, but it also provides nutrients - real nutrients that your body needs, which in turn can properly support your fat burning diet.

I have been around a few years now , living I mean and the weight can appear from nowhere almost. I realize that your weight is something you must keep in check at all times.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Top 4 Reasons Why You're Still Not Losing Your Belly Fat

You've been watching what you eat and regularly working out for weeks and weeks now but you still can't seem to fit into your old pair of jeans or wear that little black dress without looking like you're ready to explode out of it. This simply means that your diet plan and workouts have failed and you have not reduced your belly fat.

Belly Fat

Various studies show that there may be some other things you're failing to do or are still doing that is causing you to retain your belly bulge. The top 4 reasons you're still not losing your belly fat are:

1. You're doing the wrong type of workout. In general, people immediately turn to steady-state cardio workouts, like long jogs, when trying to slim down. However, there is a big problem with this approach: a 45-minute run at a consistent pace can aid you shed pounds at first, but soon your metabolism will adjust and you will stop burning calories the moment you stop running on the treadmill. A better and more effective way to tone your tummy is through weight training. When you lift weights, you create micro-tears in muscle that take more energy and this helps you burn more calories. Another effective workout for fat loss is high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. You can create a HIIT program with various types of exercises, including cardio workouts such as running, swimming, and cycling and even full-body strength workouts.

2. You're not getting enough sleep. A study showed that women who slept five or fewer hours per night were 32 percent more likely to experience major weight gain over 16 years than those who got more sleep. As such, it really is important to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

3. You're still consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol can increase your appetite and food intake and certain kinds of alcoholic beverages are associated with increasing one's belly fat. There's no need to cut out booze completely: you can still a glass of wine or clear liquor every so often with a meal. But avoid alcohol beverages mixed with soda and other sugary mixers.

4. Your magnesium levels are low. Your body needs magnesium for more than 300 chemical reactions, including keeping heart rhythm steady, regulating blood flow and aiding you in your weight loss and body shaping endeavors. As such, eat more magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, beans, and nuts. You can also consider taking in supplements but you have to consult your doctor about this first.

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Foods That Just Aren't Worth Eating

Trying to keep healthy?  Or lose some weight?  There's definitely a 'trick' to it (if you want to call it that)... and that's to keep what you put in your body only foods that help it realize your goals.  Want to be lean?  Eat healthy!  Want to be healthy?  Well... EAT HEALTHY (oh, did I say that already?).


Remember:  Health begets health.  So while you're on your mission to be healthy and lean, here's some foods that really just are NOT worth eating.  They do nothing to help your cause and will probably just sabotage your efforts.

Stay away from soft drinks.  There's nothing good about them.  Sugar, food coloring and carbonated water.  What on earth would make anyone think that combination is good for them?  And if you're thinking you can make it better by drinking the 'diet' version instead to keep your calories low, consider this:  it's calorie free but it's still sweet, therefore it's sweetened with artificial sweetener.  Excuse me but artificial sweeteners are all either made completely from chemicals or are chemically processed to remove the calories.  Either way, they are the equivalent of drinking poison.  Stay away from soft drinks.  If you absolutely must drink your fizzy treat, then stick to club soda.  Need flavor?  Add a lemon or lime wedge.

Avoid deep fried foods.  They're almost always chock full of hydrogenated oils, trans fats and all sorts of other indigestible, fattening calories.  If you want to have your fries, try sprinkling some heart-healthy coconut oil or olive oil on potatoes, sweet potatoes or yams and bake them in the oven.  This is a far healthier way to get your 'french-fry' fix.

Skip the bacon.  Bacon is full of nitrates and absolutely jammed with salt and unhealthy fat.  Want a tasty meat treat?  Try some cooked shrimp.  Or a chicken breast prepared on the grill.  You'll get a lot more nutrients for your body and a lot less complaining from your heart.

Donuts.  Deep fried white-flour dough covered in white, processed sugar.  Remind me how this could ever be considered a good thing to eat?  No nutritional quality and lots and lots of calories and bad fats makes this so called 'food' very high on the list of foods that just aren't worth eating.

Potato chips of any description are also very high on this list.  Why?  Deep fried potatoes with the skins peeled off (which is where most of the nutrition in a potato resides).  They're highly caloric and again hold little nutritional quality.  Best to keep away from this 'food' too, if you're looking to be the healthiest, leanest version of you possible.

Margarine.  All margarine happens to be is oils and food colouring with artificial flavoring added to make it resemble butter.  It's very high in calories and very devoid of nutrition.  If you want to spread something on your meals or whole grain bread, make it the real thing, good ol' natural butter.  Sure, it's high in calories but at least there's some nutrition in butter.  And usually it doesn't contain chemicals or artificial flavors.  If you can find a brand that doesn't use artificial coloring, you're golden (but your butter won't be)!

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